Doggy Daycare
We proudly offer the largest, most involved, & fun DOG DAY PROGRAM in the Coastal Empire.
Let's talk about it!
We love dogs. They love humans!... and ALL dogs love each other. Right? NOPE!
Q . Then what is daycare really like?
A. Exactly like kids on a playground! * Every day "The Play" is different, because the participants are different. * Even the BEST OF FRIENDS get grumpy over the smallest thing. * They mature, and with maturity comes behavioral changes. Some are leaders; some are followers. * They fall, try stupid stunts and sometimes they get hurt.
BUT, there are a few differences! * Though often difficult, children can "reason" with you. Dogs cant. * Dogs don't have hands. Therefore they play with their mouths. Bites & scratches can & will happen. * Kids aren't usually as hairy, but often smell the same as dogs.
Q. How do you determine where my pet will play? Who goes where?
A. The "OLD SCHOOL" way of thought was to separate by size only.
We, however, are trailblazers in our industry & we KNOW there are MANY other points to consider;
personality * age * play style * time of day * siblings * past injuries * handlers...and the list goes on!
Our program promotes SAFE FUN for dogs of ALL SIZES!
*SAFE Running *SAFE Wrestling *SAFE Barking *SAFE Jumping *SAFE Chasing *SAFE Sniffing & Napping
To achieve our SAFE environment, we have adopted strict guidelines. These guidelines combined, with YOUR PET'S personality, help us determine his/her playgroup.
We have 2 defined levels for our Play Groups.
Reservations are required for both.
Primary Play
*** Must be able to play with the majority of similar type dogs. Not all dogs would be in the same yard, but they must be able to move from yard to yard, AKA the "Doggy Shuffle".
*** Must be spayed/neutered if over 7 months of age.
*** Must have signed consent form from owner.
*** Guaranteed: Indoor(AC)/outdoor access 90% of the time, weather permitting.
Reserved Play
Q. Why is my dog a RESERVED player?
A. These are dogs that must be PRIVATE PLAY, or with their siblings only, due to:
- Owner Preference
- Aggressive Behavior
- Any behavior that won't allow safe community play. This includes Chronic Humpers (The prison game is only fun if all parties want to play)
- If your pet is over seven months, & NOT spayed or neutered, he/she will be a reserved player.
- Guaranteed: Indoor(AC) / outdoor access 33% of the day (weather dependent). Remaining time in private patio/kennel.
We offer, at least, 14 different "primary" play groups daily & an abundance of "reserved" private play areas.
How Do I Enroll my dog in Primary Play?
To enroll in The Bark Shack’s Primary Daycare, a Canine Behavior Assessment will be conducted on your dog's first day. Our Assessment fairly evaluates a dog’s reactions through a series of on-leash and off-leash interactions. The results of each assessment help us become acquainted with each dog and determine if he or she is eligible for ‘Primary Play’.
The first day of school "Assessment Day" is a $25 fee. The assessment takes about 4 hours
but we welcome your pet to stay all day!
Owners need to drop off their dog between 7am- 10am (the earlier the better).
An additional assessment day may be needed to establish trust between your dog and the evaluator.
Due to our lack of available space during these busy 'prime times', we do not offer daycare on and around these special days.
New Years Day Heritage Tournamet Week Memorial Day
July 4 Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas
We typically suspend daycare a few days before each holiday, on the holiday itself, and a few days after each holiday. The surrounding days vary annually. Contact us to find out the latest specified dates.